‘Making the Reform’ ~ Asana # 23

‘Making the Reform’ is the skill a surfer has in looking to the non-existent, and making it abundant. When faced with a long paddle-in between closeout sets against an outgoing rip, a subtle change of mind can mean a ride to the beach. The session-ending cry of ‘taxi’ signals the intention to take all that is available in an extended ride home. The additional points for moves on the face come easily to those with a Zurf-Yoga™ practice.

Overview: Pump the Flat, Work the Face, Float the Foam.

Technical: This asana is one posture within a three movement set. The first adds flexibility by a repeated leg plunge. The second involves subtle torso lifts with simultaneous leg flexes. The third is an equalising stance with hands extended for balance.

Specific Hints: When executing the second set of flexes, circular rotations in each knee-joint simultaneously, will enable the legs and hips to follow.

Secret Yogi: In the moment of floating transcendence, translate the energetic forward speed into a levitating kundalini lift. The more enlightened you are, the lighter, you will get.

© 2013 willvarey

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